Monday, November 1, 2010

first time for everthing { test }

Well, there is a first time for everything, so the saying goes. . . and so I begin officially blogging....or writing for my own joy, whatever works the best!  
It goes without saying that I am not at all confident about this part of my journey, nor do I have any actual training in writing.  But, I do know how to say yes, and when God asks me to do something, I am going to do my best to do so. So I will write about life, design, photography, and generally anything that is appropriate to share.  I will not write about things that may hurt my loved ones, might destroy a possible future career, but I will be honest, open and and willing to share the way in which God offers joy to my life.
wish me luck!
take care { a }
ps please excuse the design.  I have been waiting to post things until I could figure out how to make it look the perfect way, but then just decided to post and figure that out in a while...again, just saying yes to God. :)

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