Thursday, December 23, 2010

Matthew 25:21 Come and share your Master's happiness.

There will be great joy.
What a thought.
Great joy. Not good, or decent, or just ok. . . . GREAT.

In the story of the talents and the servants, I remember reading at my High School baccalaureate the ways that we can expand our “talents” by not burying them. I did not fully recall this speech I gave based on that scripture until this evening. Why is it that in times of sadness, duration of anger, or just moments of confusion, God can give GREAT hope, great joy.

“You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.” Another translation reads, “and there will be joy.”

If in sadness, we are faithful, can there be a promise of joy? I believe that when I once read this passage, and the parable of the talents, I related it to actual gifts. And as part of my HS speech, it was quite appropriate to discuss the meaning of using our God-given gifts to proceed into the real world and multiply them, not bury them, for the master and his plentiful harvest. And yet, that WAS 15 years ago. I am older, somewhat wiser and often find myself in situations of life that bring me to see another deeper meaning. Could it be that God wants us to give greatly, sacrifice much, and do it faithfully, no matter?

Yes, I believe so. I believe that he yearns for us to do so. I think he watches me floundering and still hopes for my steady path. I think he sees me lose my temper, and knows that within my heart, there is hope for peace. I believe he knows that we are made to imitate him. To serve faithfully and to magnify him with all of our words and actions.

How is it that He loves me in spite of me.

with GREAT joy . . . He does.